A perception study is an unbiased, in-depth review which gives management and /or a board of directors actionable insights to help make informed decisions. The primary objective of the study includes (but is not limited to):
Understanding how the company is viewed by previous shareholders, current holders and potential new investors.
Evaluating the effectiveness of your investor relations efforts and communications channels. Have investors understood the story and investment case?
Using feedback to develop actionable ways to improve communication – this can be measured over time to evaluate effectiveness of programmes implemented.
Analysing your shareholder register both on an absolute basis and benchmarked against other quoted ‘peers’ to identify key gaps. This can then be used to formulate a target list of investors.
Helping to develop a best in class investor relations strategy which focuses on continuous improvement.
Share price underperformance.
Preparing for a capital markets day or investor site visit.
Undergoing potential changes to strategy.
Investors are increasingly focusing on corporate governance – best practise requires the Board to interact with investors and understand their concerns. A perception study should help deliver this.